FOB Shipping from China to USA: Understanding the Process and Costs involved

Time:2024-01-18 Author:Admin Source:Network
FOB Shipping from China to USA: Understanding the Process and Costs involved

When it comes to shipping from China to the United States, many people have heard of FOB. FOB, or Free on Board, is a type of shipping agreement that determines who will take responsibility for the goods during transport. In essence, FOB is a term that describes when the shipper will assume liability for the goods and when the receiver will take over ownership.

For those who are unfamiliar with FOB shipping, this can be a confusing process. The complex world of international shipping can be difficult to navigate, especially when dealing with multiple languages and customs. However, understanding the basics of FOB shipping can help to streamline the process and ensure that goods arrive at their destination on time and in good condition.

What is FOB shipping?

As an international business, shipping goods around the world is an important part of the supply chain process. And one term that you may come across during this process is FOB shipping. FOB stands for "Free On Board" or "Freight On Board," and it's a crucial term to understand when importing or exporting goods internationally.

FOB Shipping from China to USA: Understanding the Process and Costs involved

1. What does FOB shipping mean?

FOB shipping is a term used in international trade to indicate who is responsible for paying the transportation costs from the point of origin to the destination. In essence, FOB shipping refers to the point at which the responsibility for the shipment transfers from the seller to the buyer.

There are two types of FOB shipping: FOB Origin and FOB Destination. FOB Origin means that the buyer is responsible for all transportation costs and takes ownership of the goods as soon as they leave the seller's warehouse or factory. FOB Destination means that the seller is responsible for all transportation costs until the goods reach the buyer's warehouse or factory.

2. Why is FOB shipping important?

Understanding FOB shipping is crucial for businesses involved in international trade because it determines who is responsible for the shipment and the associated costs. This can impact the bottom line, making it important for businesses to be clear on the terms of the sale and how the goods will be transported.

Furthermore, FOB shipping also affects the cost of trade insurance, which could be more expensive for buyers if they take ownership early in the shipment process. Knowing the terms of FOB shipping can help businesses make informed decisions and negotiate more favorable terms.

3. How is FOB shipping different from other trade terms?

FOB shipping is just one of many Incoterms (International Commercial Terms) used in international trade. While FOB shipping determines who is responsible for transportation costs, other Incoterms cover different aspects of the shipping process, such as insurance, delivery, and payment terms.

For example, one common Incoterm is CIF (Cost, Insurance, and Freight), which means that the seller is responsible for all transportation costs and insurance until the goods reach the buyer's port of entry. Another example is DDP (Delivered Duty Paid), which means that the seller is responsible for all transportation costs and import duties until the goods are delivered to the buyer's location.

4. What should businesses consider when using FOB shipping?

When using FOB shipping, businesses should clearly define the terms of the sale in a legal contract, including the point at which responsibility and ownership transfer, the method of transportation, and any required documentation (such as bills of lading or commercial invoices).

Additionally, businesses should consider factors such as the distance of shipping, the mode of transportation, and any potential customs or import regulations that may affect the shipment. By understanding the logistics and regulations involved in FOB shipping, businesses can ensure a smooth shipping process and avoid costly delays or complications.

What are the costs involved in FOB shipping from China to USA?

Shipping products from China to the USA can be a complex process, with different factors affecting the overall cost. In this article, we will delve into the costs involved in FOB (Free on Board) shipping, which is a shipping term that requires the buyer to cover the cost of ocean freight, insurance, and any other charges required to move the goods from the port of origin to the destination port.

1. Ocean Freight

The ocean freight cost is the most significant aspect of the total shipping cost. It is the charge for carrying the goods in a container from the port of origin in China to the destination port in the USA. Shipping costs can vary depending on the mode of transport, carrier used, the season, and the size and weight of the shipment. The most common method of shipping is by FCL (Full Container Load) or LCL (Less than Container Load).

If you are shipping a large volume of goods, it may be more cost-effective to use FCL, where you rent an entire container to ship your cargo. On the other hand, if you are shipping a smaller volume of goods, you can opt for LCL, where you share the container with other shippers. While LCL is more affordable than FCL, it is important to note that the cost per unit of measure is higher for LCL as compared to FCL.

2. Insurance

Another crucial aspect of FOB shipping is the insurance cost. Insurance provides protection for the cargo against damage, loss, or theft during the transit period as well as for any liability arising from it. The amount of insurance varies depending on the value of the shipment. It is critical to have adequate insurance to protect your goods during transit. You can either choose to handle insurance on your own or use the services of a freight forwarder who will take care of all the necessary arrangements.

3. Origin Charges

Origin charges refer to all the costs incurred before the shipment is loaded onto the vessel. These include local transportation of goods from the manufacturer's facility to the port of origin, port fees, terminal handling charges, and customs clearance. These charges vary from one port to another and depend on the cargo type, weight, and volume. It is essential to understand these charges to avoid any unpleasant surprises during the shipping process.

4. Destination Charges

Destination charges refer to all the costs incurred once the shipment arrives at the destination port. These include customs clearance, port fees, terminal handling charges, and local delivery. The charges for customs clearance, brokerage, and delivery depend on the size and complexity of the shipment and can vary depending on the importer's choice of service providers.

5. Additional Costs

Additional costs that can affect the overall cost of FOB shipping include tariffs, taxes, documentation fees, and currency exchange rates. Tariffs and taxes are levied by the respective governments and can vary depending on the country of origin and the type of goods imported. Documentation fees cover the cost of preparing the required paperwork, such as bills of lading and certificates of origin. Currency exchange rates also play a significant role in determining the overall cost of international shipping. It is important to keep these costs in mind when planning your import shipping expenses.

What is FOB shipping?

International trade has become an essential part of our daily lives, and shipping plays a crucial role in ensuring the smooth flow of goods across borders. One term that frequently comes up in discussions about shipping is FOB, which stands for "Free On Board." Understanding the meaning of this term is essential for anyone involved in international trade.

1. Definition of FOB Shipping

FOB shipping refers to an agreement between a buyer and a seller of goods. In this agreement, the seller agrees to deliver the goods to the port of shipment and load them onto the vessel, and the buyer agrees to pay for the goods and assume all responsibility for them once they are loaded onto the ship.

Under FOB shipping, the seller is responsible for the cost of loading the goods onto the ship, while the buyer is responsible for all costs associated with transportation from the port of shipment to the final destination. The term "Free On Board" signifies that the seller has fulfilled their obligations and that the buyer assumes all risks and costs beyond that point.

2. Types of FOB Shipping

There are two types of FOB shipping: FOB Destination and FOB Origin.

FOB Destination means that the transfer of ownership of the goods occurs at the destination port. In this scenario, the seller retains ownership and control of the goods until they reach the final destination. The buyer is responsible for all costs related to transportation from the port of origin to their warehouse or facility.

FOB Origin means that the transfer of ownership of the goods occurs at the port of origin. In this case, the buyer takes ownership of the goods as soon as they are loaded onto the ship at the port of origin. The buyer is then responsible for all costs associated with transportation from the port of origin to their facility.

3. Advantages and Disadvantages of FOB Shipping

The benefits of FOB shipping are numerous. First, it simplifies the shipping process for both the buyer and the seller. By clearly delineating their respective responsibilities, they can avoid any misunderstandings or disputes over who is responsible for various aspects of the shipping process.

Second, using FOB shipping can help buyers save money on shipping costs. Since the buyer is responsible for transporting the goods from the port of shipment to the final destination, they can shop around for the best rates and choose the most cost-effective mode of transportation.

However, there are also some disadvantages to FOB shipping. The buyer assumes all risks and costs associated with transportation once the goods are loaded onto the ship, which means they must have a good understanding of the shipping process in order to ensure that their goods arrive at the final destination in good condition.

4. Document Requirements for FOB Shipping

To ensure that the FOB shipping process goes smoothly, several documents are required. These include a commercial invoice, a bill of lading, and a packing list.

The commercial invoice is a document that includes a description of the goods being shipped, the price of the goods, and any relevant terms or conditions of the sale. The bill of lading is a legal document that acts as proof of ownership of the goods and the terms of their shipment. Finally, the packing list is a detailed list of all the items included in the shipment.

What are the best FOB shipping companies from China to USA?

Shipping from China to the USA has become an essential aspect of importing goods and products. Finding the right partner to handle your logistics can be a daunting task, particularly if you are new to the industry. But don't worry, we have got you covered. In this article, we will explore the best FOB shipping companies from China to the USA and help to make your decision-making process more manageable. Let us dive right in.

1. JFBees

JFBees is a reliable and trusted shipping company that has been in business since 2008. They deal with almost all types of goods, including clothing, shoes, electronics and offer a variety of shipping methods, including sea freight, air freight, and express delivery. With an efficient online platform, they provide transparent tracking information without any hidden costs. Their customer service is also on-point, with a proficient team ready to assist customers at all times.

JFBees offer comparatively lower shipping rates than their competitors, making them an attractive option for people seeking cost-effective shipping services. Whether you are an individual or a company, JFBees will handle your shipment needs.

2. ShipBob

ShipBob is a leading logistics company based in the USA that has been making waves across the industry. They specialize in e-commerce shipping, making it easier for companies to manage their inventory and stock levels. They work with over 70 different shipping carriers, including FedEx, UPS, and DHL.

ShipBob's strength lies in fulfilling orders fast and accurately. They also provide same-day shipping, which guarantees faster delivery times. ShipBob has a nifty dashboard that enables you to monitor inventory levels, shipment tracking, and order management. This makes it easier for e-commerce businesses to focus on other aspects of their business, such as marketing and sales.

3. ChinaDivision

ChinaDivision is a leading provider of supply chain management solutions, including FOB shipping from China. They have extensive experience in handling shipments from China to the USA and guarantee transparency in their transactions. They offer quick delivery times and provide round-the-clock customer service to ensure your shipment process goes smoothly.

They provide flexible shipping methods and tailor their services to meet the unique needs of each business. Their shipping rates are also very competitive, making them a popular choice for many companies looking to import from China.

4. Freightos

Freightos is a global logistics company that has made a name for itself in providing digital freight forwarding solutions. They offer end-to-end logistics services, including customs clearance, documentation, and insurance. They leverage technology to streamline the shipping process, providing real-time tracking information and simplifying communication between different parties involved in the shipment process.

They offer competitive rates for FOB shipping, and their platform is easy to use, even for people with no prior logistics knowledge. They have a team of experienced professionals who are always willing to offer their expertise and make the process seamless.

5. Shiprocket

Shiprocket has carved out a niche for itself in providing shipping solutions for small and medium-sized businesses. They have a network of over 26,000 pin codes across India and offer international shipping, including FOB shipping from China to the USA.

Shiprocket has an intuitive platform that allows you to automate shipping and order fulfillment processes. They also offer discounted shipping rates and allow you to integrate with multiple sales channels. Their customer support is also top-notch, with a team available to answer any queries you may have.

How long does FOB shipping take from China to USA?

International trade has become an integral part of many businesses around the world. With the rise of e-commerce, importing goods from China to the USA has become more accessible and cost-effective. However, one of the most critical factors that one needs to consider is the shipping time from China to the USA, which depends on several variables such as FOB shipping, port congestion, and customs clearance. In this article, we will delve into how long it takes for FOB shipping from China to USA, discussing the variables that affect the shipping time and how to minimize delays.

1. Understanding FOB Shipping

FOB, which stands for Free On Board, is a term used in international commerce where the seller is responsible for delivering the goods to the port of shipment and loading them onto the vessel. Once the goods are loaded, the ownership and risk transfer to the buyer, who is responsible for the transportation, insurance, and customs clearance in the destination country. FOB shipping is popular among importers because it offers flexibility and cost savings. However, it's essential to understand that the FOB shipping duration doesn't include the transit time from the loading port to the destination port, as it depends on several variables such as:

2. Transit Time from Port of Loading to Port of Destination

The transit time from the port of loading to the port of destination is the most significant variable that affects the shipping duration. It depends on several factors such as the shipping route, distance between ports, weather conditions, vessel's speed, and vessel's capacity. On average, the shipping time from China to the USA ranges from 14-50 days, depending on the port of departure and destination. East coast ports such as New York and Miami take longer than west coast ports such as Los Angeles and Long Beach. When importing from China, it's essential to consider the transit time when planning your inventory and shipping schedules.

3. Port Congestion and Customs Clearance

Port congestion and customs clearance are another factor that can cause delays in FOB shipping, extending the shipping duration by a few days or even weeks. These delays are usually caused by factors such as increased volume of goods, vessel capacity, regulatory changes, port infrastructure, and labor disputes. To avoid these delays, it's essential to select reputable shipping companies, provide accurate and complete shipment documents, and comply with the customs regulations in the USA.

4. Tracking Your Shipment

Tracking your shipment is crucial in FOB shipping because it helps you monitor the shipping process, identify the potential issues, and take corrective actions. Most shipping companies offer online tracking services or apps that enable you to monitor your shipment in real-time, providing you with information such as the vessel's location, ETA, and expected arrival dates. With this information, you can plan your inventory, clear customs on time, and communicate any changes to your customers.

5. Minimizing Delays and Cost-Saving

Minimizing delays and cost-saving are critical aspects of FOB shipping, as they help you reduce your shipping time and costs and stay competitive in the market. Here are some tips to help you minimize delays and cost-saving in FOB shipping from China to the USA:

i. Plan ahead: Plan your inventory and shipping schedules well in advance to avoid last-minute shipping and unexpected delays.

ii. Consolidate shipments: Consolidating your shipments saves you money and reduces the risk of delays.

iii. Work with reputable shipping companies: Working with reliable and experienced shipping companies ensures that your shipments are handled professionally and avoids delays.

iv. Prepare accurate and complete shipment documents: Preparing accurate and complete shipment documents helps you avoid customs clearance delays and ensures compliance with the regulations.

What are the costs involved in FOB shipping from China to USA?

When it comes to shipping goods from China to the USA, FOB (Free on Board) is one of the most popular shipping methods used by businesses. FOB shipping involves the seller loading the goods onto the shipping vessel and being responsible for the cargo until it arrives at the port of destination. However, there are certain costs involved in FOB shipping, which can add up quickly if not properly accounted for. In this article, we will discuss the various costs involved in FOB shipping from China to the USA, and how to minimize these costs.

1. Freight Charges

The first cost associated with FOB shipping is Freight Charges. Freight charges are the amount charged by the shipping company for transporting the goods from the port of origin to the port of destination. The cost of freight charges depends on factors such as the weight and volume of the goods being shipped, the distance between the two ports, and the mode of transportation (sea, air, or land). Shipping companies offer different rates, depending on the type and size of goods being shipped. To minimize freight charges, it's important to find a reliable shipping company that offers favorable rates and has experience in handling the particular type of goods being shipped.

Another way to reduce the freight charges is to optimize the packaging of the goods. When the goods are packed properly, it reduces their volume, and hence require less space on the shipping vessel. This can lead to lower shipping costs.

2. Insurance Premiums

Insurance is another cost that is associated with FOB shipping. As the seller is responsible for the goods until they arrive at the point of destination, they need to insure the goods against any damages or losses during transit. Insurance premiums are calculated based on the value of the goods being shipped and the level of coverage required. It's important to get the right level of coverage to ensure that any damages or losses are covered adequately.

However, buying insurance from a shipping company can be expensive. It's often better to look for independent insurance providers who offer favorable rates and benefit packages. Before engaging an independent insurance provider, it's important to ensure that they have experience in insuring goods that are being shipped internationally.

3. Customs Duties

Customs duties are taxes levied by the government of the USA on imported goods. The customs duty charged on goods depends on the type of goods being shipped, their value, and their country of origin. As FOB shipping involves the seller being responsible for the goods until they arrive at the point of destination, they need to be aware of the customs duties associated with importing their goods to the USA.

To minimize customs duties, importers can explore various trade agreements that the USA has with various countries such as NAFTA, which is an agreement between the USA, Canada, and Mexico. These agreements reduce or eliminate customs duties on certain goods, hence reducing the cost associated with importing these goods. It's also important to engage a reliable customs broker who can handle the customs clearance process seamlessly, ensuring that goods are not subjected to any avoidable delays.

4. Handling Fees

Handling fees are charged by shipping companies for services such as loading and unloading goods, documentation, and storage. These fees vary from company to company and can add up quickly if not properly accounted for. It's important to negotiate favorable handling fees with shipping companies by exploring different options and comparing their rates.

5. Miscellaneous Costs

There are several miscellaneous costs associated with FOB shipping, such as port fees, inspection fees, and demurrage charges. These costs can be difficult to account for, hence it's important to work with a reliable freight forwarder who can provide all-in-one services, including customs clearance, hence reducing any avoidable costs.

What documents are required for FOB shipping from China to USA?

When it comes to shipping goods from China to the USA, one of the most important things to consider is the required documentation. Without the necessary paperwork, your shipment can be held up or even rejected at customs. In this article, we will explore the different documents that are required for FOB shipping from China to the USA, and the importance of each of them.

1. Commercial Invoice

The commercial invoice is the most important document required for FOB shipping from China to the USA. This document provides a detailed description of the goods being shipped, including the quantity, unit price, and total value of the goods. The commercial invoice must be issued by the exporter and should match the shipping documents and the purchase order. It should also contain the necessary information for customs clearance, such as the HS code and the origin of the goods.

It is essential to ensure that the commercial invoice is accurate, complete and legible, as customs officials use it to determine the duty and taxes to be levied on the goods. Therefore, it is advisable to double-check all the information on the invoice before sending it out.

2. Bill of Lading

The bill of lading is a legal document that serves as proof of ownership of the goods and the obligation to deliver them to the buyer. It contains details about the shipment, such as the name of the carrier, the ports of loading and discharge, and the type, quantity and condition of the goods being shipped.

There are two types of bill of lading: the original, which is required for the release of the goods at the destination port, and the non-negotiable, which is sent to the consignee for information only. It is essential to ensure that the bill of lading reflects the terms of the sales contract and the shipping documents, as any inconsistencies can lead to delays or additional costs.

3. Packing List

The packing list is a document that provides a detailed description of the contents of each package in the shipment, such as the dimensions, weight, and type of packaging. It helps the customs officials to verify the information on the commercial invoice and ensures that the goods are properly identified at the destination. It is advisable to include the packing list inside one of the packages to facilitate its verification by the customs authority.

Also, the packing list should match the commercial invoice and the bill of lading, and any discrepancies should be resolved before the shipment is dispatched. A well-prepared packing list can help to reduce the risk of damage or loss of the goods during transit.

4. Certificate of Origin

The certificate of origin is a document that provides information about the country of origin of the goods. It is required by customs officials to determine the tariff rate applicable to the goods and to ensure that they comply with the relevant regulations and standards. The certificate of origin must be issued by a competent authority in China, such as the Chamber of Commerce or the Export Inspection Agency, and should be endorsed by the exporter.

It is important to note that some products may also require additional certificates, such as a phytosanitary certificate for agricultural goods or a certificate of conformity for electrical appliances. Therefore, it is essential to check the specific requirements for each product before shipping it out.

5. Insurance Certificate

The insurance certificate provides evidence that the goods being shipped are covered by an insurance policy against loss or damage during transit. It is essential to ensure that the insurance coverage is adequate and appropriate for the type and value of the goods being shipped. Failure to have sufficient coverage can lead to financial losses in case of damage or loss of the goods.

The insurance certificate should be issued by a reputable insurance company and should contain details about the type of coverage, the insurable value of the goods, and the risks covered. It is advisable to keep a copy of the insurance certificate along with the other shipping documents for future reference.

How does FOB shipping work from China to USA?

International trade has brought the world closer, and China has undoubtedly emerged as a leader in global exports. The United States remains China's largest trading partner, and FOB shipping is one of the most popular modes of transporting goods. If you are planning to import goods from China, you need to have a basic understanding of FOB shipping and how it works. This guide will provide you with a comprehensive overview of the FOB shipping process from China to the USA.

1. What is FOB shipping?

FOB stands for "Free on Board" or "Freight on Board." In terms of shipping, it is an agreement between the buyer and seller, where the seller is responsible for shipping the goods from their country to the destination port. Once the goods are loaded onto the ship, the buyer assumes ownership and responsibility. The FOB shipping term is one of the most common used in international trade and is accepted worldwide.

FOB is further classified into two types: FOB destination and FOB origin. FOB destination refers to when the seller pays for shipping costs to the destination port and is responsible for the goods until they reach the final destination. On the other hand, FOB origin means that the buyer takes ownership and responsibility of the goods from the port of origin, and is responsible for all shipping and delivery costs from the port to the final destination.

2. FOB shipping process from China to the USA

The FOB shipping process from China to the USA involves various stages that are essential to ensure that your goods arrive timely and efficiently.

Step 1: Finding a reliable supplier

The first step in the FOB shipping process is finding a trustworthy supplier in China. You can source suppliers through online marketplaces such as Alibaba, Global Sources, or Made in China. It's vital to conduct due diligence before you start working with a supplier, check references, and verify their legitimacy.

Step 2: Negotiating shipping terms

Once you have found a reliable supplier, the next step is to negotiate shipping terms. It would help if you discussed the FOB shipping terms and clearly understand the responsibilities of both parties regarding shipping and insurance. Ensure that you agree on the port of loading, delivery time, and other important aspects of shipping.

Step 3: Preparing goods for shipment

The supplier prepares the goods for shipment, including packaging, labeling, and gathering all necessary documentation. These documents include commercial invoices, packing lists, bill of lading, and certificates of origin. Ensure all information provided is accurate to avoid delays or extra costs.

Step 4: Shipping and delivery

The goods are loaded onto the ship and transported to the destination port in the USA. Upon arrival, the buyer assumes ownership and responsibility of the goods. The buyer is responsible for clearing customs, paying tariffs, and arranging for any further transportation needed to the final destination.

3. Benefits of FOB shipping from China to the USA

FOB shipping offers several benefits when importing goods from China to the USA:


FOB shipping is typically a cheaper option than other modes of transportation such as air freight. The buyer is only responsible for shipping and delivery costs from the destination port to their location, which could save a lot of money compared to other options.

Greater control over the shipment

As mentioned earlier, the buyer assumes ownership and responsibility of the goods once they are loaded onto the ship. This translates to greater control over the shipment and can help in managing the logistics more effectively.

4. Potential challenges with FOB shipping from China to the USA

Although FOB shipping has several advantages, there are potential challenges when importing goods from China to the USA:

Increased responsibilities

Once the goods are loaded onto the ship, the buyer assumes ownership and responsibility. Thus, the buyer is responsible for all costs relating to shipping and delivery from the destination port to the final destination. This could prove cumbersome and increase the risk of potential logistical or financial challenges during transportation and delivery.

Language barriers and cultural differences

When dealing with the supplier, you may face language barriers and cultural differences that make communication challenging. This can result in delays or inaccurate information provided regarding the shipment or documentation.

What documents are required for FOB shipping from China to USA?

Shipping goods from China to the USA can be a complicated process. As a buyer, you need to be aware of all the documents required by US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to avoid any unnecessary delays or charges. In this article, we will guide you through the necessary documents that you need for FOB shipping from China to the USA.

1. Commercial Invoice

A commercial invoice is one of the most important documents that you need to have when shipping goods from China to the USA. It is used to calculate the value of the goods being shipped and determine the amount of customs duty and taxes that you will be required to pay before the goods are released from customs.

The invoice should include the following information:

  • Name and address of the buyer and seller
  • Description and quantity of the goods being shipped
  • Unit price and total value of the goods
  • Shipping terms and conditions (FOB, CIF, etc.)
  • Packing details
  • Invoicing currency

Make sure your invoice is accurate and complete to avoid any delays or rejections at customs.

2. Bill of Lading

A Bill of Lading (B/L) is a document issued by the carrier or its agent that serves as a receipt for the goods being shipped. It also serves as a contract between the shipper and the carrier that outlines the terms of transportation.

The B/L should include the following information:

  • Name and address of the shipper and consignee
  • Description and quantity of the goods being shipped
  • Type of container and number of packages
  • Vessel name, voyage number, and date of departure
  • Port of loading and port of discharge
  • Shipping terms and conditions (FOB, CIF, etc.)

Make sure your B/L is accurate and complete to avoid any delays or disputes with the carrier or consignee.

3. Packing List

A packing list is a document that provides detailed information about the contents of each package being shipped. It is used by customs and other officials to verify the contents of the shipment and ensure compliance with regulations.

The packing list should include the following information:

  • Name and address of the shipper and consignee
  • Description and quantity of the goods being shipped
  • Type of container and number of packages
  • Gross weight and net weight of each package
  • Packing materials and markings

Make sure your packing list is accurate and complete to avoid any delays or rejections at customs.

4. Certificate of Origin

A certificate of origin is a document that certifies the country of origin of the goods being shipped. It is required by customs and other officials to determine the eligibility of the goods for entry into the USA and to apply preferential tariffs under certain trade agreements.

The certificate of origin should include the following information:

  • Name and address of the exporter and importer
  • Description and quantity of the goods being shipped
  • Country of origin of the goods
  • Declaration signed by the exporter

Make sure your certificate of origin is accurate and complete to avoid any delays or rejection at customs.

5. Insurance Certificate (if applicable)

An insurance certificate is a document that certifies the insurance coverage of the goods being shipped. It is required if you have purchased insurance to protect your goods from loss or damage during transit.

The insurance certificate should include the following information:

  • Name and address of the insured and insurer
  • Description and quantity of the goods being shipped
  • Insurance coverage amount
  • Premium paid
  • Effective dates of coverage

Make sure your insurance certificate is accurate and complete to avoid any disputes with the insurer or carrier.

FOB Shipping from China to USA: Understanding the Process and Costs involved

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